To Pernik with love*
Project by Elizabeth Coleman-
Link (UK/Germany)
Sofia, Bulgaria*
Пътешествие / Wanderlust is an
International Mail Art Open Call
culminating in a site specific Installation
and an Online Gallery, combining the use of
traditional postal services and social
media networks to initiate an ongoing and
participatory travelling Nomadic
International Mail Art Open call
for 2015 *
Wanderlust:To Pernik with
@ Арт фест Водна кула / Water
Tower Art Fest
The venue for this Project will be in
Sofia, Bulgaria in June, as part of the
Water Tower Art Fest, the works will then
be presented at other Bulgarian Art Venues
as from September 2015.
DEADLINE : June 10th 2015 !!!
All works that are submitted have to be
sent by post, and labelled not for sale.
Any medium *
Send to :
Nia Pushkarova
C/O Water Tower Art Fest :
9 Bogatitsa Street, ap. 12
Sofia 1421, Bulgaria
Water Tower Art Fest is an artist run initiative and the biggest international contemporary art festival in Sofia, incorporating alternative spaces in series of exhibitions in June each year since 2006.
The festival now has developed as a platform of exchange of national and international artists working in all disciplines within contemporary visual art. It gives the opportunity to share ideas and to question the sociopolitical situation with its socially engaged works done especially for the venues and showcase of contemporary artworks with notion of overcoming the paradigm of our age, dominated by economic structures that obstruct our very prime right to exist.
Part of the festival this year will take place in the city of Pernik, (very close to Sofia ½ h) which in the 1980s boasted more than 80 working factories with heavy industry – now, nearly all shut down, abandoned and in ruins, especially after the earthquake 3 years ago. In the face of this visible product of post-communist catastrophe, the notion of being politically correct is no longer satisfactory and we take a stand with the unquestionable power of art. The hunches we follow this year are mere ideas to be where needed, as artists and fully aware of the function art has in society nowadays.
We are calling for revival, trying to bring back hope and sense in hopeless places and senseless time.
Арт фест Водна кула / Water Tower Art Fest.
Wanderlust :POSTE RESTANTE * : Cuges Les Pins, Frankfurt am Main, Balchik, Rousse, Bourglinster.
June 2015 : As part of the Water Tower Art Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria*
„Inspired by the love of receiving post whilst travelling, and celebrating the old school art of correspondance.“
In September 2013 Elizabeth Coleman-Link was selected as an Artist in Residence at the Nomadic Village 2013 in Cuges Les Pins, organized by Tadlachance as part of the Marseille City of Culture with a project called POSTE RESTANTE an International Mail Art Open Call, culminating in a site specific Installation and an Online Gallery, combining the use of traditional postal services and social media networks to initiate an ongoing and participatory travelling Nomadic Collection.
The Open Calls were sent out via the internet using various social media sites, Twitter, Facebook and to followers of my blog http://scoutkit.blogspot.de/
, to Artists, friends, and fellow travellers inviting them to send an artwork, working with the theme Nomadic.
An object, some text, a piece of music, a drawing, a postcard directly to a temporary Poste Restante address at the Nomadic Village in France.
All the Mail Art works that were sent were recorded, photographed and archived and this archiv formed the basis of the online gallery:http://posterestantewanderlust.blogspot.de/
The Cuges Collection was shown in Frankfurt, with an additional Open Call the theme being WANDERLUST*
Wanderlust was exhibited in a studio show at Atelier 301 , ATELIERFRANKFURT e.V.,in April 2014, together with the Cuges Collection, and then travelled to the Process - Space Festival, Balchik, Bulgaria.
Participants were invited to send works to the Historical Museum in Balchik, Bulgaria, as part of the 23 Process Space Art Festival and the new works were displayed in a site specific exhibition in the Museum and at other venues in Bulgaria.
The online gallery is viewed daily with over 13,330 hits to date.