Donnerstag, 12. September 2013

Nomadic Village @ Cuges, S France

This year is the first year at the Nomadic Village that there will be an official postbox for all the participants, to receive, postcards, care parcels, loveletters, maps whatever as from 21st September - 8th October......

We look forward to receiving post****

Nomadic Village
13780 Cuges Les Pins

Montag, 19. August 2013

Vintage Camping 2013

Back from Summer camping holidays in Dorset & Kent.
Swam here : and spotted badgers at   Langton Matravers .

Don´t forget there is still time to send work for the Poste Restante project:

Postal address:
C/O tadlachance
Nomadic village 2013
Project : Poste Restante - Cuges

6 traverse Condorcet
13780 Cuges Les Pins

Montag, 24. Juni 2013

Eijiro Miyama
















Eijiro Miyama (1934-)

Updated 13 hours ago
Eijiro Miyama was born in Mie Prefecture, Japan. A loner, he never married and has always led a wandering sort of existence. He has had various jobs, notably as a day labourer in the construction industry and as a lorry driver. When he was around fifty-five, he settled in one of the boarding houses for impoverished working men in Yokohama’s Kotobuki district, where the unemployed and the socially excluded, homeless, tend to congregate. Today he divides his time between free karaoke and his parades in town: every Saturday and Sunday, Eijiro Miyama goes to the Chinese district in Yokohama, a very lively place. There he meanders through the crowd on his bike, decked out in his brightly coloured hats and clothing, with messages of peace and fraternity written on cardboard packaging attached to his back. One day, about ten years ago, Eijiro Miyama walked around with a cup of instant noodles on his head. People turned to stare as he went by. This act, provocative and liberating, gave him a huge feeling of exaltation. He gradually created eccentric headgear that he adorned with toys and sundry objects found discarded at flea markets. But this creator also applies his ingenuity to the clothes bought at jumble sales that he dons for his weekly appearances, turning his body into a support for expression.

More info:

Montag, 10. Juni 2013

Anthony Stevens

An introduction to the work of Anthony Stevens, an new associate artist at Raw Art Foundation.
Anthony Stevens - Artists Statement:
I am a U.K based, self taught Artist. I use my work as a form of therapy and self expression. When not producing art, I also work as a Peer Support Specialist and engage in Buddhist culture and peace activities.

Primarily, my work is about expressing and  processing trauma and it's after effects. I guess it's me dancing with my inner dynamics so that I can find a rhythm that is both constructive and wonderful.

My work is heavily influenced by my practise of Nichiren Buddhism and chanting 'Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo', especially the concept of 'Nothing is wasted'. This has become manifest by my choosing to work primarily with scrap fabrics. By choosing to do this, I am forced to look creatively and perceive potential in what may seem to be useless and beyond repair. This is in direct correlation with how I strive to perceive my life and my experiences.

Like my art, it is sometimes a painstaking and frustrating process, but ultimately I feel joy and satisfaction with the result.
An introduction to the work of Anthony Stevens, an new associate artist at Raw Art Foundation.

R*A*F is an Independent Arts studio/forum for untrained,
autodidactic artists, supporting collaborative creative processes.
R*A*F is based in Frankfurt am Main.