Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013

Toot @ Poste restante 2013
Thank you to Joanna, at Toot as in foot, it´ll take pride of place in Cuges!

Poste restante

I am contributing this large table cloth that I made to the Poste Restante project at Nomadic Village 2013. The brief was to make a piece based around nomads and the nomadic lifestyle.
jo waterhouse tablecloth photo P6022175_zps6e5205a3.jpg
standing on the sofa
The print is of a pair of cotton trousers, that I got at a car boot (naturally). They reminded me of clothes I bought when I travelled to live in Africa: they are cotton (cool for hot countries) but look awful on me. Before I went I bought clothes like that because I felt I wouldn't care what I looked like when I got there. I was ready to go to this hot place where everything was different. And when I got there a lot of things were quite the same . . . including me feeling like a proper nob in all my big cotton clothes. So I guess I chose the trousers because I'm not a nomad: I'm a rubbish traveller, I easily feel out of my depth and constantly misjudge things - especially when I travel alone.
 photo P6022178_zpsad669a5a.jpg
Doing something that isn't just holding it up.
So I chose to make a table cloth because I imagined the routine of dining as a bit of a balm to my fears of travelling. I imagined spreading the table cloth as a routine you could take from place to place, for making things familiar and easy. You could spread it on the ground, on a bench or a tree stump and host people for food.
 photo photo1_zps2a4ba58e.jpg
The trousers with the splendid gusset.
I'm pleased with the print because it is liney and wonky and blotchy but the overall pattern is bold.
 photo P6022182_zps5eb2e8d9.jpg
A portrait of Jack taken through the cloth.
And now I will send it off in the post and it will never come back. Sigh. If you fancy going to Nomadic Village maybe you could spill some wine on it from me.

Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013

Poste Restante 2013

Poste Restante - Cuges 2013
International Mail Art Open Call *

Deadline Mid September 2013

All Post to:
C/O tadlachance
Nomadic village 2013
Project: Poste Restante - Cuges
6 traverse Condorcet
13780 Cuges Les Pins

Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013

Crowning glory - Hair designs


 Series of hair style photographs from Nigeria circa 1970's photographed by the legendary typologist J.D. ‘Okhai Okeikere.

J.D. ‘Okhai Okeikere, Untitled, 1970s. Courtesy of the Walther Collection.

As featured in the interview with seminal African photography collector, Artur Walther on Another Africa by contributor Stephanie Baptist

Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013

Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Mittwoch, 10. April 2013

Istanbuli philatelist


 Galata Kulesi, Istanbul 2013
Photo : Lizzie Coleman-Link

Poste Restante - Cuges Les Pins
International Mail Art Open Call *

Any medium, drawings, letters, postcards, objects, photographs, music, maps based loosely on the theme of travel, nomads.

All works will be shown at the Poste Restante - Cuges @ the Nomadic Village Sept/Oct 2013.
All works will be catalogued and documented and will be included in an online Gallery and shown further exhibitions, therefore the Mail Art will not be returned.
Please write your name and address on the back of the work, you will receive a postcard from Cuges acknowledging its arriival.

All Post to:

Poste Restante - Cuges
C/O tadlachance
Nomadic village 2013
6 traverse Condorcet

13780 Cuges Les Pins

Dienstag, 9. April 2013

Havana & Santiago De Cuba.


Photography : Margie Fortune Havana, Cuba 2013
1. Gateway to Casa Foster, Havana. A 20 year long obsession.